Donations help us make our stand and hold fast to hope in hard times. Donations from the public are important to GalGael as it’s a source of money that can be directed to our most pressing need in taking forward current projects. 

What's more it fair lifts our spirits knowing we have wider support - each pound puts a smile on the face of our team here!

And if that isn't enough - it also shows potential grant makers that there is public support for our work here.

A one-off donation - no matter how large or small - helps us unfold our vision for our wee bit of the world and continue the work we do. 

By giving a regular amount - you can stand with us in this work by joining our Kinship. We like to think GalGael stand for a bit of hope in the face of depressing headlines, not least those that describe the impact our times are having on hard-pressed communities.

Finally, you might want to consider fundraising for us.